Friday, August 15, 2008

Get a 10% off your DNA test just mention Natural Wellness

I have set up an account for all of my listeners "Natural Wellness Show" to get a 10% discount on any and all test at

Go to their website and click on "1st Time Buyer"

You'll then see the different DNA tests that you can take.
The last two (7 & 8) are combination test.

1. Metabolic Health Assessment
2. StrokeScan
3. Optimum Athletic Performance DNA Analysis
4. Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration DNA Analysis
5. Osteoporosis DNA Analysis
6. Thrombosis DNA Analysis
7. FIVE KIT COMBO: Metabolic Health, Thrombosis, Osteoporosis, Vision Panel, and Athletic Performance
8. FOUR KIT COMBO: Thrombosis, Osteoporosis, Glaucoma/ Macular Degeneration, and Athletic Performance

You can click on any one and read about the different tests. After you decide then right in the number of how many quantity you want to order then click "Add to Cart" on the bottom of the next page it will say "Coupon OR GIFT CARD" "For Promotional Discounts" in the space provided "Natural Wellness" and you'll receive your discount.

CyGene Laboratories
Coral Springs, Florida
Tel: 954-741-7077
Call: 1-866-429-4363 (866-4CyGene)

Ken Anderson
Cell 1-541-840-6811

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