Thursday, December 11, 2008

Medical Disclaimer

1. This website owner makes no claim that the products are anything other than dietary supplements designed to improve nutrition and, thereby, optimize health. Everyone regardless of his/her original state of health can benefit from improved nutrition.
2. Dietary supplements are nutritional products and are not designed for use in the treatment of disease or to substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
3. Dietary supplements are designed to improve nutrition rather than to treat disease. However, scientific research has established a connection between nutrition and many disease conditions.
4. Any product claims made by individuals within the content of this website are based upon his or her personal belief and/or experiences after the use of Glyconutritional products. This website owner disclaims all liability for such claims that may be made.
5. These reports have not been verified and are not represented as providing a balanced view of the available science. These are the statements of the individuals giving them and not of this website owner.
6. Glyconutritional products are nutritional in nature and do not substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
7. Natural Vitamins & Mineral products are nutritional in nature and do not substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
8. Good Natural Raw Organic Foods are nutritional in nature and do not substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
9. Pure air & water are nutritional in nature and do not substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.

Ken Anderson

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