Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu, Prepare to die; it's been planned and has begun

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Prepare to die; it's been planned and has begun
You and your family are about to be killed. Prepare yourselves. It has all been pre-planned and the plan has now begun.

Every once in awhile, those of us who watch the big picture and report to you that government is planning something REALLY bad, are vindicated. Such is the case right now.

In October, 2007, the sub-prime mortgage crisis hit. Millions of illegal aliens and others who had lied about their ability to repay loans had defaulted and those defaults were taking out the banks.

Credit dried up, a number of banks failed. The economy began to tank and companies started taking losses and laying off workers. There were storm clouds on the financial horizon and everyone knew it.

What few considered was that our government is already saddled with so much debt they cannot hope to afford another Great Depression. They don't have the funds to pay unemployment, welfare, food stamps, free medical care through medicaid and and they have zero chance of borrowing the money to provide it. So, the decision has been made to "cull the herd."

They have no choice but to kill off a whole slew of "useless eaters, most of whom live in our major cities. They know that unless they kill them off, there will be so much social chaos that the government will fall or be overthrown and they definitely don't want that to happen.

They laid the groundwork already. Want proof?

Last year, the government started running commercials TELLING YOU a flu pandemic was coming. Commercials just like this:

If that doesn't clue you in, then maybe this will:
Your Coffins Were Ordered

In January, 2008, news broke that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had ordered one million plastic burial vaults that can hold 6 bodies each, and that an Alabama company - Polyguard Vaults - had begun manufacturing them. Folks laughed at guys like me when we reported such news. They called us "conspiracy nuts."

About six or seven months later, in July, 2008 news broke about 500,000 "burial vaults" sitting in an open field in Georgia. Folks heard about them HERE and got to see them via Google Satellite maps like this: (use the + inside the image to zoom-in)

View Larger Map

Still unconvinced, the skeptical then got to see actual video of the coffins as shown below:

We who were previously derided as Conspiracy Nuts were again berated as "wearing tin foil hats" worried about something that was "probably nothing worse than our government preparing for a disaster." Yea. Right.

Many of us knew something was up and whatever it was meant a lot of dead people.

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