Friday, September 25, 2009

Caffeine is Harmful

I have many concerns about caffeine. The major one, possibly even more important than the caffeine itself, is the toxic chemical used in the many stages of growing and marketing coffee. The easily rancified oils and the irritating acids contained in the beans offer further hazards. Caffeine, like sugar, overstimulates the adrenals and then weakens them with persistent or chronic use. First, sugar stimulates and weakens the adrenals, which creates fatigue. Then we use caffeine to keep us aware and awake, further depleting our adrenals, to which many respond by drinking more caffeine with sugar. In addition, people who overuse caffeine tend to need more tranquilizers and sleeping pills to help them relax or sleep.
Caffeine can be a lifetime drug for many. We begin with hot chocolate or chocolate bars, which contain some caffeine, move into colas or other soft drinks with caffeine, and then add coffee and tea. Many adults use caffeine daily, but this is slowly changing with education and experience revealing the long-range problems resulting from caffeine abuse.
People trying to cut down by drinking decaf could even be exposed to dangerous chemicals unless they are drinking coffee prepared by the water process or Swiss process, which uses steam distillation to remove the caffeine. Otherwise, agents such as TCE (trichlorethylene) or methylene chloride used in the chemical processing may be contained as residues in the decaf coffee. Cola naturally contains caffeine, yet many soft drinks have even more added. The caffeine creates an addiction to the drink. Xanthines, theophylline, is found in black teas; it is also commonly used in medicine to aid in breathing. Theobromine, the third xanthine derivative, is found in cocoa.

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Intoxication or Abuse:
Nervousness, headache, increased heart rate, anxiety, upset stomach, irregular heartbeat, irritability GI, blood pressure, heartburn, increased cholesterol,
tremors, diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration,
depression, dizziness and bed wetting.

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms:
Headache constipation, runny nose, craving, anxiety, nausea, irritability, nervousness, vomiting, insomnia, shakiness, cramps, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, depression, drowsiness, feeling hot and cold, apathy, inability to concentrate
The most common withdrawal symptom is a throbbing and/or pressure headache, usually located at the temples but occasionally at the back of the head or around the eyes. A vague muscular headache often follows. Of course, caffeine cures the symptom; but this is not the answer.

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